OpenERP OpenLib

You can download OpenLib on its github page :


This document refers to version 0.2.4

ORM Extension

OpenLib provides an extension to the basic OpenERP ORM. Its main goal is to simplify everyday call to the OpenERP API. For example, you don’t have to pass the cr, uid or context variables anymore. The ORM Extension is not intrusive, you can enable it on your objects if you want, but it’s not mandatory at all.

Github automatic bug reports

OpenLib integrates very well with GitHub and supports automatic bug reporting. This means that each time an exception is raised in your code, OpenLib will check your github project and reports the bug it hasn’t been reported.

Of course, this won’t report any logical bugs (Like workflow errors, or “nothing happens” bugs), but code-related bug will be reported, without any intervention from the user.

Global configuration

OpenLib let you define global variables (database-wide) easily.

Misc tools

Others tools provided by OpenLib.

Indices and tables

Project Versions

Table Of Contents

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1. OpenLib ORM Extension

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