1. OpenLib Global Configuration

Sometimes, you need to store data not attached to a specific object, a kind of Global variable. OpenLib let you do this with openlib.config object. This is a simple table with 3 columns, module, key and value.

This object implements the ExtendedOsv interface, so it can be manipulated easily. Data are stored as charfield and have maximum size of 255 characters. You can store pickled object, if you want.

1.1. Access a global variable

OpenLib uses this object internally to store Github credentials, for example, if you want to get the github login:

login = self.pool.get('openlib.config').get(module='openlib.github', key='GITHUB_USER').value

This is the normal way, but openlib.config provides a method which returns None if the key is not defined:

login = self.pool.get('openlib.config').get_value('openlib.github', 'GITHUB_USER')


The second way it the safest, because it won’t raise an AtributeError if the key is not defined.

1.2. Define a global variable

1.2.1. With an XML file

You can easily create yours variables thanks to an XML file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <record id="config_github_user" model="openlib.config">
            <field name="module">openlig.github</field>
            <field name="key">GITHUB_USER</field>
            <field name="help">GitHub user account used to report bugs.</field>
        <record id="config_github_token" model="openlib.config">
            <field name="module">openlig.github</field>
            <field name="key">GITHUB_TOKEN</field>
            <field name="help">GitHub token associated to the account. Check your account settings.</field>

You can provide a default value, just by adding :

<field name="value">default_value</field>

Into the record.

1.2.2. With Python code

You can also update/create a configuration variable with Python. Like with when you access the variable, you have two methods to do this : The normal way, and the shorter and recommended way :

Using write (normal way):

self.pool.get('openlib.config').write(cr, uid, config_id, {'value' : 'XXXXX'}, context=context)

Using this method implies that you already know the ID of the global variable object. If it does not exists, you have to create it with the create() method. To make your life simpler, OpenLib provides a set_value method:

self.pool.get('openlib.config').set_value('openlib.github', 'GITHUB_USER', 'XXXXX')

This method will create the entry if it doesn’t exist, and update it if it does.

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