1. OpenLib Github Integration

OpenLib provides an easy way to automatically report bugs which happen in your modules on github. You have to configure the github repository you want to report bugs on, and it will work.

1.1. Github module configuration

For the example, we will imagine you are writing a module named example, hosted in a github repository named openerp-example by the organization orga. You just have to add three variables to your module’s __init__.py :

GITHUB_REPO = 'openerp-example'
GITHUB_USER = 'orga'


Setting GITHUB_ENABLED to False will disable github bug reporting. Remember to unset it during developpement.

1.2. Define the functions you want to watch

OpenLib can’t watch all your module’s method. You must tell it the one you want to watch. To do this, you just have to import the report_bugs() function for openlib.github :

from openlib.github import report_bugs

class MyObject(osv.osv):

    def on_change_product(...):

Each time an exception is raised in this method, OpenLib will check if it has already been reported. If it’s not the case, a new issue will be opened on the github project you specified in __init__.py.


Using this decorator on a lot of functions won’t cause any performance problem. The only overhead is a try .. except block around your method call, you won’t see the difference.

1.3. Define the account used to report bugs

To be able to report bugs, you must have a GitHub account. This configuration is done by database, and must be set by the administrator into the menu Administration->Customization->Variables. There are two variables, named GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN you must fill.

You can find you token on your github account settings : Account settings->Account admin->API Token.


OpenLib provides an installation wizard which does that automatically.

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